There Is Now Hope to Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease
The Bredesen Protocol is the world’s first protocol that has been scientifically proven to reverse Alzheimer’s disease.
Over 30 years of research lead Dr. Dale Bredesen and his team to discoveries that changed the core understanding of what causes Alzheimer’s disease and the approach to reversing it.
At Health Uncovered, we are certified practitioners of the Bredesen protocol and use it to uncover your unique set of factors that are causing Alzheimer’s / cognitive decline. We guide you through a personalized program to repair each causative factor, heal your brain and reverse memory loss. The protocol is most effective when used in the early stages but there have been examples of late-stage Alzheimer’s reversal.
Every 66 Seconds Someone Develops Alzheimer’s and It Is Worse Than Fatal
Every minute of the day a family will begin the terrible descent into Alzheimer’s disease. Years and decades before it robs victims of their life it steals what makes them who they are:
Capacity for Thought
Emotional Control
Financial Control
Quality Time with Loved Ones
But this doesn’t have to happen to you.
Contact us to get started on your Alzheimer’s Reversal Program.
Reverse Alzheimer’s & Take Back Control of Your Life
Stay In Your Home
Reversing Alzheimer’s / cognitive decline means you can avoid the isolation, confusion, high costs and pandemic-associated health risks of a Long Term Care facility.
Safeguard Your Retirement
You’ve worked too hard for too long not to enjoy retirement the way you want. Give yourself the best opportunity to reverse cognitive decline with our Alzheimer’s Reversal program.
Protect Your Family
The financial, emotional & physical cost of Alzheimer’s is staggering to a family. Engaging in a reversal program means you are doing everything possible to protect your loved ones from the tragic toll that Alzheimer’s takes.
How It Works…
STEP 1—Discover
Book a Discovery Call
STEP 2—Uncover
Uncover the Causes
STEP 3—Repair
Repair Your Brain
3 Steps to Reverse Alzheimer’s:
You are ready to engage in the Alzheimer’s reversal program. How do you get started?
We Don’t Just Care About Alzheimer’s, We Care About You.
New study: Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer's Disease—Successful Proof-of-Concept Trial
Small trial shows memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s can be reversed for first time. Small trial by UCLA and Buck Institute succeeds using ‘systems approach’ to memory disorder.
2016 paper published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism shows reversal of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease in 100 patients. (Insert link to pdf)
Hear Dr. Dale Bredesen’s Ted Talk about his novel therapeutic approach to preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s
The End of Alzheimer’s by Dr. Dale Bredesen